Thursday, September 6, 2007

How democratic can you get?

I love the idea of blogging. Even if no one reads it but me, I feel like I am contributing somehow to the world at large. I set up this blog for the purpose of an online class, but since school began I have been posting regularly to my blog on the state blog site. (The name of that blog is Let's Ponder. You need an access.k12 account to be able to comment on this site, but anyone is welcome to read my posts - and occasionally my rants!). My goal is to try to post every day in support of my eportfolio for the TIS_LM program. I know I'll slip up, but I thought it would be helpful to have an accurate record of my year in terms of technology integration.
I have just began to read blogs on a recreational basis. One of my favorite bloggers is Joe Bageant. I recently read his book, Deer Hunting with Jesus: Dispatches from America's Class War. Though I don't agree in total with all of his political leanings, I think he makes an excellent point that many people identify as middle class when in fact they are struggling to survive. (Note: the book is not necessarily about deer hunting or religion; it describes how culture and sense of class has changed in the author's hometown, and how the people of this community tend to support politically those who tend to suppress a better standard of living.)
Blogs open a new world of thought to the masses. Not everyone agrees that it is a positive thing. A recent guest on the Stephen Colbert show, Andrew Keen certainly disagrees. His book, the Cult of the Amateur, makes the case that the Internet is destroying culture and putting legitimate artists out of work because "everyone is stealing." His interview can be seen at The Colbert Report's official website. I'm sure he makes some valid points, though based upon this interview, I find myself disagreeing with him. To be fair I should read his book.
I like the idea that the common man has a powerful medium to express his thoughts. With the conglomeration of media and the ratings hypes we must be skeptical of even the traditional media. Even venerable publications are editing their texts to make them more marketable in conservative areas. And lets face it, we need more balanced, analytical reporting and fewer sound bites.
I hope you'll check in often, and I hope you will comment on what I have to say. The more ideas we share in the world, the better off we will all be.

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